The organization for CotC has been utterly horrible from its inception. While it is the nature of sieges to stand around for hours on end doing nothing, anything lead by 95% of the CotC mgmt. was a cluster fuck at best. No plan, no vision, little communication, complete lack of maturity, and no understanding for the nature of digital warfare.

My intel network has been warning me of impending CotC implosion due to the nature of the beast. This is probably the first external portion of that slide. Of course the state of the game and the player base that are left are not helping much either. Its not totally CotC fault, but they are the one driving this bus, so they have there fair share of blame coming.

There has been very little execution on the top tiers with AC in charge. Personally, if one or two of key KGB'ers were given the reigns with the player base we use to have in CotC, Agon would have been put to the torch a long time ago.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!