I'm sure everyone knows the difference between honorable and dastardly. We all know "good" is a perspective. There is no axiom to which "good" is measured in an MMO. Unless by good you mean great, which is meaning you have the skills to make the kills.

With that said.. I'd like to make a statement about guild alliances. It's something we encountered in AOC--if an ally is monopolizing the resources, such as nearby spawns, thereby causing us harm, and they refuse to allow our members access to the action by allowing us in their groups. I'm not sure that is a healthy alliance. I am of course referring to UDA in AOC when they had control of basically every spawn in our stronghold zone and for the most part, would not add our guys.

In this situation, the honorable part would not be whether or not to attack them, but whether or not we give them an opportunity to get on board with the alliance and share in everyone's best interest before we decide to attack. That is honor, not playing doormat for the sake of an alliance that ultimately chokes us out. That sort of alliance is a one sided alliance where the other guild benefits from our manpower. These games are combat oriented, therefore, this sort of militial stance must be taken.

PK and Anti is a child's concept, far too simplistic for today's games.

I like the way Jetstar is moving things.