I will elaborate on this issue shortly, I see what you are saying Demoyn - but while trying to keep this post small, the perception of KGB is not the "anti" perception amongst many in the gaming community. We have been playing SB for many years, then AoC, and in both have been more of an "Honor PvP guild" than an oldskool anti guild.

Helemoto has so far put it best I think. KGB may do *mild* loreplay, to give our actions context but KGB is making no pretences of being the ultimate force of "good" from a humans peerspective in the game. (unless well, we play human maybe hehe)

There are racial subfactions as well, even the alfar have several different factions within the lore who have differing ideas on things - and DFO is designed as such to have the players take the basic lore and run with it.

That being said, I am spending an awfully good amount of typing on the subject of lore when we are not, and not trying to be a "rp guild".

But anyhow, as soon as I get a chance, I will expound my thoughts on the matter of public positioning and loreplay, and purpose and all that.