Here is the system we used in AOC, it will be modified slightly, but the foundation is the same. Please see my comments below on ROE, and Guild Conduct.




Clause 1: You may never, under any circumstances, attack or kill a member of our Alliance
If you have problems with someone, you can contact leadership and they will deal with it through diplomatic channels.
Clause 2: If an individual is not an ally, assume he/she is a threat. You may engage first. The highest ranking officer present at the scene at the time will make that decision. However, above all act honorably. No griefing, trash talking. Conversations are fine, but represent the honor of the guild well in both deed and in word. There will be no special circumstances, no exceptions. No, "Wait, I am an allied GM's friend's Mother's Cousin". If you are not a labeled member of an Allied organization, shoot first and ask questions later. You can always res or return loot.


Clause 1:Each member must know and understand the rules of KGB. Please make sure you understand the basic rules of KGB and the KGB System. This was updated in January of 2007, please don't assume you understand, take the time to review the links below:
The KGB National Archives - Home of the Governing Documents
Quick Section Links:
The KGB Bill of Rights and Conduct (General Orders)
The KGB Articles of Confederation (Faction Government)
The KGB CONSTITUTION (General Government Structure)
Clause 2:This is a re-post of General Order 2 from the KGB Bill of Rights and Conduct and is KEY:

General Order 2: "Thou shalt swear faith to no other nation but KGB”
You are exclusively a Citizen of the KGB. You must put the goals of the KGB ahead of your own, and to put your loyalty to the KGB above all else. As a KGB citizen, you must not be a member of any other organization in any land where the KGB has a presence. In lands where the KGB does not have a presence, your affiliation with other organizations must remain anonymous and not be in conflict with KGB (for instance, you are a member of the XXX organization in a game called Kill Everyone Online, and the KGB is a foe of XXX in another world). If KGB leadership determines there is a conflict of interest, then you would be asked to either leave the other organization, or renounce your KGB citizenship. (see the complete General Order for information on OPEN Factions)

Clause 3:Statement from the KGB High King

I want to get things started off right and try to avoid the divisive issues that have hurt us in the past.

First off, we all know there are power gamers in this guild, and there are casual players. There always seems to be a problem when the few out level the many. In AoC this is a good thing. Because those level 80 players will be able to invite you to sieges and make you their level, only level 80 players can do it. Please do not hound these power players about power leveling. There first order is to get to level 80 as fast as possible then assist others. Please respect this and those that choose to make the ultimate commitment and be some of the first people to get to 80.

Secondly, we all know this is a FFA game and your going to die. Complaining in guild chat at the higher levels is not acceptable and it's just going to divide us more. We are in an Alliance, use it. Find groups of folks with like time commitments and work with them. There should be a large pool to choose from with over 200+ members in the alliance. When the guys get to 80, yes i expect them to go out and kill people left and right to help the lower folks out, but until they get 80 I want them not stop for anything or anyone. Lets forgo drama.

I would also like to remind people it doesn't take people in AoC long to collect materials for crafters, and we are gonna need a huge amount of wood for the guild city. So if some of you could get the skill to do that, I'm sure your guild mates will appreciate it. We will post a name for you to send the materials to. Also look for leather and items of that nature off of mobs as drops when they die.

We are all adults and we want to enjoy the game. Remember, Officers are not babysitters, and whining, complaining or just being down right negative will not be tolorated. It hurts guild morale, starts unwanted drama, and ruins the gaming experience for everyone. I want everyone to know that I am going to be PROACTIVE in dealing with this kind of thing. I am going to have officers report to me in detail. I am not going to allow anyone to interfere with our success in this endeavor.


Clause 1:As defined in Section 3 of the KGB Articles of Confederation, Faction Leaders holding the rank of (GM2/F5) High Chancellor, (F4) Chancellor, or (F3) Vice Chancellor has the power (Quoted from Articles of Confederation Section 3, Clause 3) "To remove a member or officer of KGB from their factions stone/roster/TS/Vent immediately at any time. **In such a case, it should then go IMMEDIATELY to the Court and the Senate , and the faction leadership should be REQUIRED to submit an incident report to Court/Senate/HK/Someone explaining why it was necessary, what charges they wish to bring, etc."
Clause 2:Even if removed from the in game Organization, you must adhere to all KGB rules and regulations if you wish to retain your overall KGB citizenship. You remain a KGB Citizen despite your affiliation with the in game Organization and you retain your accountability for your actions.
Clause 3:Upon review and process from the KGB Supreme Court, removed members may be reinstated after consequences have been completed.

This worked well for us in AOC. We had to adapt our traditional role to a FFA environment, but at the same time, not tie the hands of our forces in combat. We are counting on the honor and integrity of our membership to do the right thing.

We will be adapting this to DFO, but the spirit is the same.

Conduct between our members is going to be strictly enforced per the changes to General Order #1:


General Order 1: "Thou shalt uphold and abide by the ideals our Nation was built upon"
KGB Citizens have been striving to present themselves as honorable, respectable, and chivalrous since 1997. In the beginning, we came together to combat those whose existence was based on ruining the gaming experience for others. Over time we have evolved, but a basic idea and code remains. Respect both your fellow Citizens, Friends, and Foes alike whenever possible. Problems will occur and tempers will flare. Help solve the problems with calm discussion and be respectful to others if possible. Some of our foes may not deserve this respect, but do your best to offer it. Always try to respect these ideals and the many members who came before you. Always consider your nations reputation that we all have worked hard to maintain since 1997. It was this bond that brought us all together and keeps us strong.
The following policy will be enforced by the KGB Federal Faction and Supreme Court in accordance with Article 4, Section 1, of the KGB Constitution:
KGB citizens will treat each other with honor and respect and never take part in Personal Harassment. What is harassment? It is repeated, intrusive or unwanted acts, words or gestures that are intended to adversely affect the safety, security or privacy of another, regardless of the relationship between the actor and the intended target. Harassment is further defined as "engag(ing) in intentional conduct which the actor [harasser] knows or has reason to know would cause the victim, under the circumstances, to feel frightened, threatened, oppressed, persecuted, or intimidated; and causes this reaction on the part of the victim.

Humor and joking are ok, and you should be sure to let someone know if you are not comfortable. It is no longer considered joking if you are made to feel frightened, threatened, oppressed, persecuted, or intimidated. Make sure you always respect your fellow citizens.

If you feel you have been the victim of harassment, first send a private message to the actor and let them know you were offended. If the behavior continues, file a KGB Supreme Court Conduct report and allow the system to protect you. Retaliation for submitting a Conduct Report will never be tolerated, and may result in dismissal from KGB.

Tolerance for bad behavior has been one of my biggest mistakes in the past, and has been divisive and we have paid a heavy cost over the years. I am resetting the bar, and starting fresh with DFO. Everyone will be equal in my eyes! Be advised though, I have strongly urged the DFO leadership to be stern and enforce the rules to the fullest extent of the law. I too have adopted this way of thinking.

In short, if you have had problems with me in the past, the slate is wiped clean, lets all work together as brothers and sisters, and make this the best that we can.

Everyone should read all this very closely and I would ask that you take a fresh look at the General Orders, Articles of Confederation, Armed Forces pages.

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