Owain, we should go back to talking about your feelings. Everything else simply doesn't support your position. Both facts and attribution of facts are plain wrong.

The facts paint bleak picture - both deregulation and tax reform on the balance will end up hurting Main Street. Not right away, as economy moves slowly, but eventually. This is because like Communism, trickle-down simply doesn't work. Especially when you have to deficit spend to do it.

If you actually followed the link I provided (https://www.brookings.edu/interactives/tracking-deregulation-in-the-trump-era/), on the balance it hurts everyday guys. Sure, some of it is simply great, like the Lowering Renewable Fuel Standards (less ethanol in fuel, fuck yeah!) but then there are Internet Privacy Rule repeal (Nullification of a rule requiring internet service providers to explicitly obtain customers' approval to use and share their information), Firearms Prohibition for the Mentally Disabled (Nullification of a rule prohibiting the possession of firearms by the mentally ill), and so on.

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