Originally Posted By: Sini
Originally Posted By: Derid
I think they just want to be able to do what they were elected to do

Which was to obstruct government and make governing impossible. With only "check" is being labeled RINO and primaried.

In principle, I am sympathetic to congressional reforms, such as giving more power to private member bills and changing committee process to be more open. In practice I am unsympathetic to the ultimate goal to strengthen hostage-taking ability so there are fewer workaround when the minority threatens important government function, like US full faith and credit.

Plus, most of the majority can translate to representing on minority of electorate.

For example, "Pass with support of democrats" is a valid congressional function that ought not to be undermined. Doing so is arguably undemocratic.

Unless I have read something wrong, passing with support of Dems and minority party getting more say on bringing legislation and amendments to the floor is part of proposed reforms, not something eliminated by them. As it stands, Dems only count if GOP core leadership wants them to count.

Plus I dont think you are being very objective in general, you seem to have taken a view that if the Dems do not get exactly what they want its GOP fault if things come to a standstill. You like the cartoon, but Dems could just as easily give up Obamacare - they just dont want to and are willing to shut the govt down to keep it. But the fact is the Dems are currently the minority party.

Dont confuse process with issues. Issues are subjective, process less so.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)