GOP Establishment self destruction is pretty amusing. They are worthless, so its pretty hard to care about them.

I'm going to laugh even harder when Trump uses all the rules the GOP Establishment put into the RNC nomination process to prevent grassroots guys from banding together to hijack the Convention because they were afraid of Ron Paul to shut out the Establishment voice and take his solid 30% all the way to the nomination.

Establishment guys, and the Liberty and purple GOPers who dont think Rand is "pure" enough can all scream in unison as a legit fascist (yes, its become cliche to say but Trump is in fact a legit nationalistic socialist) , racist and misogynist like Trump forces a GOP implosion.

We might even see the demise of the 2-party system. If the GOP implodes, the lazy thinkers aka Democrats might finally be forced to address their own cognitive dissonance that exists due to the enormous discrepancy between what principles Democrats espouse and what they actually do.

The only reason the Democrats have managed to buy themselves a pass, is by propping up fringe right wing straw men.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)