Originally Posted By: Sini
Very serious take down from intelelctual right: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/430137/donald-trump-conservative-movement-menace

Unfortunately I believe them to be irrelevant at this point. Gerrymandering and divisive FUD politics is the boomerang that made it so.

I don't know about calling National Review the intellectual right, I dont think they are and I think that is a good part of why they have lost influence.

You can only justify ridiculousness for so long.

Not that Trump is better.

On the other hand, the Left has its own problems with what I will call the Milk Tea Party. Crazy corporatist/authoritarian leftists slamming on Sanders in favor of Hillary for the most absurd reasons.

On the upside, after this election the Left should be able to readily identify their own nutjobs and corrupt sycophants. Many of whom write for Salon, Mother Jones, Huffington , etc.

Quite honestly the lefts level of depravity and corruption is rather shocking yet somehow it rarely gets talked about.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)