Reading is fundamental. Comprehension is important as well. Alas, you have none.

Were the following paragraphs from the third link beyond you? Too many syllables?

"While there have been some hiccups, overall the Trump administration is on track to finish the first phase (of his regulatory reform program) with $645 million in net annual regulatory savings."

That might not sound like much in a federal budget usually denominated in the trillions of dollars. But consider this: During President Obama's years in office, more than 22,700 regulations were imposed on Americans at an astounding cost to American consumers, businesses and workers of "more than $120 billion each and every year," wrote Heritage Foundation Fellow Diane Katz earlier this year.

"The actual costs are far greater," writes Katz, "both because the impacts have not been fully quantified for a significant number of rules, and because many of the worst effects — the loss of freedom and opportunity — are incalculable."

Now if you want to know what regulations were eliminated that resulted in those savings, contact Investor's Business Daily.

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council