Insurance is nothing more than mandatory gambling.

I have been driving since I was 15 via hardship license and will be turning 29 this April. I have never had a single traffic ticket or accident.

29-15= 14 (years driving)

14x12= 168 (months driven)

168x50= 8400 (figure of months driven multiplied by average personal cost of basic liability insurance)

So in this example I have been forced over the years to spend $8,400 of my earnings with no return.

If you truly believe that insurance is necessary then I will sell you some right now.

For the low price of 50$ a month I guarantee that I will never punch your face. But wait...there's more. For a one time payment of $10,000 you will receive a LIFETIME guarantee of me not only not punching your face, but also not committing any untowards action of any kind towards you.

Sign__________________ Date_________

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