"Daye, what is slippery slope fallacy for $200?"


Let's pretend all scary guns are banned tomorrow. We magically
wave a wand ( Repealo Amendimus ! ) and all the " assault " style
weapons are gone from the land. Democrats cheer, everyone gives
each other a big hug, and all is well in the Land of Oz.

For today.

Some time passes. Maybe a day. A week, or even a few years
goes by. Then some nutjob shows up and guns down another
school, a bus full of nuns, or a whole bunch of still singing
Democrats. They'll either use a weapon that wasn't on the
original ban list, or obtain a black market banned device.

I'll take "Guess what Congress does next" for $500 Alex. . . .

You guessed it. More bans. More legislation. What do you mean
you don't support it ? You supported the LAST one so what's the
difference ? ( you Nun-Slayer you ! )

See a pattern yet ? Where does it stop ?

Hell, they've done the same thing to the First Amendment already
with the creation of " Free Speech Zones "

Freedom of Speech is a wonderful thing, but if no one can hear
you, what's the point ?

Sure they haven't taken away your right, they've just modified
it to the point where your freedom has the least amount of
impact possible. May as well pass out the gags now. :|

It's kind of like a game of Chess. Those who only see one move
ahead are not going to win. Gain the ability to see several moves
ahead and you become a formidable opponent.