Originally Posted By: Salohcin Dragon
Originally Posted By: Wolfgang
DF only needs to do one thing, it's the most important lesson they should have learned a long time ago. "Speed up THE GRIND" If they make the grind more attainable and realize a significant part of the players in game have jobs. And most don't have much time to grind without taking more time out of their lives to get their character in good fighting condition.

I don't think grinding a character should be so fast that you max it out withing a few weeks either. There could be some common ground with this, if they find the right mix they could see a new influx of players. I think that's the biggest issue with darkfall. They are taking to many idea's and throwing them in a box and mixing them up "literally" except for the main one they should be changing IMO "The Grind".

Yes, the grind sucks. I have played MMOs before DF & never heard someone say "I AFK swim at night to up skills". Plus DF never seemed to have a lot to do, the world was empty feeling. I would have loved a city system more like Shadowbane had, build where & how you want. Would have added a lot more to the game. Ofcourse with a few rules so there wouldn't be 1 person guild cities & stuff like that. I am interested to see what they will do with DF2 or whatever they call it though.

What do you mean not a lot to do? There was plenty to do, skilling up with someone else dueling or macroing on each other,Harvesting,killing mobs, doing re-con on enemy holdings, PVP. There was more than enough to do in Darkfall. As far as building anywhere you wanted to, I don't think that would have worked the way they have their system setup. That would have been an even bigger problem, and I'm sure would have killed the game completely because they would have been fixing it more than it would have worked. There were enough problems as it was, let alone add something like that.