Concerning KGB's current association with this game, why are we even still there. I would end official KGB operations in DFO given the activity levels combined with the games overall status and population levels and the constant retooling this game continues to go through. A redirection of our efforts and man power into games which show more interest or promise, a cleansing of our vent and removal of nonessential personnel from other clans.

We could fall back regroup in a new game and institute a new gaming agenda for the guild, work out the kinks in our restructure of the clan, reassess our membership strength and our future course of action and let new Factions begin such as SWTOR, Salem, Guild Wars 2, etc and allow our more successful older faction of DDO move ahead unimpeded by DFO personnel or events and duties. If we don't get out of the DFO business at least make it a open faction, at this point it all but is anyhow.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
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