Comparing guilds isn't a fair assessment simply because of the fact that darkfall consumes too much of gametime with outdated concepts that it is no longer fun. Also, the type of gamplay KGB centers around isn't casual mmos, it's hardcore mmos. With other clans it is enough to play with friends and it doesn't matter if the game is good or not; that's because they've only been around for 2 weeks and will disband 2 weeks later cause they eventually get bored together.

DF is cool, but I don't think any of us have the real-life time to commit to a game that makes it so hard to get competitive gear and characters - that the ratio of pve to get gear for the average player ( real gear, not crappy waste) versus the time actually fighting is so overwhelmings on pve side, that it's not fun anymore.

If df revamps their game so it's not so (I control this spawn so 99% of the server is fuked), and reduce mindless game mechanics, then ppl will come back. If not, they'll continue how they are now.

A lot went on during df KGB time, but if the game was better, we would all still be playing. At least I would.

Former KGB Member