Well, to be honest, lets not beat around the bush.

For one, this is not the goons I have associated with in the past (thank god), and two, just like donk said, you really need to be in-game to understand the situtation; which is, to be frank, really dire. Allies are just a part of the game, pure and simple, you need them and they need you; this isn't to say we're going to subjugate ourselves to their every whim, but it also means we have to talk to our neighbors.

And, believe me when I say this, KGB has, by far, been the most honorable of all the startup major powers. Not a single member forum trolls on the DFO forums, and we never grief just for the sake of griefing. (enemies are an exception)

A lot of what needed to be said, has been said above; but, suffice it to say, KGB is in a time of need, and good, true, allies are in short supply. sometimes, you have to bury the hatchet and do what you must to complete your goals.

But KGB will always stay true to what it truly is. I think our ejections recently of members that didn't adhere to the rules is an example to our commitment to that standard.

Former KGB Member