I'd honestly prefer the warmongering to increased social programs. I'm sorry but I donate some money to charities, I don't need or want the government taking my money to give people who don't deserve it. Oh, and before you pill the elderly grandma and disabled vet cards on me, let me tell you about the mentally handicapped weed dealer i know.

He gets social security disability cause he can't work. He takes 90% of that money and buys weed with it. He then sells that weed to make more money then he was given. Now, i have no issue with the weed part of this. My issue is that after years of doing this he no longer needs the social security. He still gets it though.

Or how about a girl who works 3 jobs but all off the books and so she also gets food stamps and Medicaid?

Or the crackhead mom who uses her food stamps and welfare check to buy more rock?

I'm all for helping out grandma or vets. I'm all for a little unemployment for someone that's on the down and out, but 99 weeks of unemployment.... No! That just encourages them to not look sk hard right away cause the government is here to hold you.

Safety nets are bullshit. We need to get a bit more Darwinian and stop trying to save everyone. Some people need and deserve the help. Others are just going to take advantage, with no way to tell the difference until it's to late.