Originally Posted By: sinij
Nice revisionism. Stimulus was all but done deal by the time Obama got into the office, compliments of Bush Administration that actually wrote it. ACA was GOP proposal verbatim, plus a whole bunch of concessions where GOP got everything they wanted yet still chose not to vote for it in attempts to discredit Obama administration. It is sure thing ACA wasn't a Democratic legislature, or we would all be eligible to go on Medicare, at any age or income.

The 2010 mid terms were in many respects as much as rebuke of Bush policy as Obama. It had been building for a while.

You are the one who makes everything out to be about Obama. I think you got too caught up in media spin and the way both the left and right wing media tried to portray reality, and lost sight of the actual reality.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)