Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Stubs
Romney might suck, but Obama is worse.

I hope this thought will comfort you while Romney guts what left of social nets and drives the economy into the ground, Bush-style, while giving out unfunded tax breaks to 1%-ers to re-invest into China.

Yes, both are through-and-through shit candidates, but Romney's potential to cause damage is much, much higher than Obama's. Plus with Romney there is a possibility of two terms (if Bush could, why not him?), with Obama we _know_ that in 4 years we will get someone who is NotObama and NotRomney next round. With Obama worst-case scenario is that things won't get any better, and in 4 years we are about where we are today and we get to try again with somebody new.

That argument re: Obama had more weight before Bernanke decided on QE:Infinity.

As far as social programs and safety nets, I dont see Romney doing much there. Its obvious he isnt going to go with the "Ryan plan" , and even then it was mostly medicare.... unless you count Obamacare as something necessary... but only the diehard left wing partisans even want it, so no loss there for most of us.

The *real* danger of a Romney Presidency, has nothing to do wwith social programs - Romenys pretty moderate in that regard truth be told, when it comes to actually governing ( he just had to swing right in GOP primary... yeah hes a liar, like most pols.. but hes still pretty moderate ) is the *WAR MACHINE*.

Increased military spending, soaring our fedgov expenditures.... we currently spend 800B/yr on military not counting wars and if Romney gets his way it will go over 1T. Not counting new wars, in places like Iran and Syria he is likely to start.

The idea that Romney will somehow take us back to a pre New Deal era (as nice as that might be) is a complete fallacy and just not accurate. The warmongering is,however, a legitimate concern.

Last edited by Derid; 10/18/12 11:10 AM.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)