Its the "Tea Party turned Obama into a partisan figure" thing that bugs me the most.

Has is never occurred to anyone, even Dem partisans.. that maybe just maybe, its not the Tea Party, its not because Obama is black, its not even because of right wing media so much..... as it is that for the first two years Obama basically rubber-stamped everything Pelosi put before him?

That whatever Obama intended or did not intend, when it came to congress Pelosi and Reid steamrolled the opposition in a hyper-partisan manner, and instead of even trying to mediate any middle ground as the bi-partisan uniter he promised to be, Obama just rubber stamped it and went on down the road.

What did he expect?

If he had acted as even a minor check on the excesses of his own party and been even slightly inclusive things could have been a lot different.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)