Once again you run back to the Tea Party. Once again you deflect from the purpose of this thread. This thread is about you Sinij, nothing more. I know you want it to be more. You strive to make it more. But in the end, you do nothing but highlight yourself and the venom you have. From your religions point of view, it is the only one that can move forward, it is the only one that can protect monitory’s, it is the only one that is against the white man while everyone else to the right of you is for only the white man. I understand you must take that stance. I understand you must come running with every fiber of your body.

You do not attempt to label me. In one post you call me a sexist and a bigot, in the next you say I am not. You switch back and forth whenever it is easiest for you. My message has been the same thru out this thread and other threads.

You accuse the Tea Party of being sexist, and bigotry, while some in the part may and very could be this way, if the party overall was this way, where are the class action lawsuits?

You throw mud at others ideals; you attack anything to the right of you. I understand you better now, and I do accept you for who you are and your actions.

I welcome being labeled, I welcome people to know who I am and where I come from, why I hold the stance that I have. I however have the ability to change for what I think will be the greater good for America. I am willing to swallow my pride. Some times that is to the left, and other times to the right.

But enough about me, and the Tea Party, and everyone else. This thread is about you.