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First off this post/thread is not a personal or real life attack, defamatory, abusive, hateful, harassing, or threatening. It is a means to label some one nothing more. If the person here in feels that he has been harressed by simply having a label placed upon him, it was never intended as such.

After several days of thought, and researching portions of Sinij postings. I have come to the conclusion that Sinij is an ideological zealot. He believes so strongly that anyone from the right of him is wrong, that he will label them, so he can dismiss them. He seeks not to find middle ground but to enforce his concepts onto everyone else. When he is refuted he either attempts to sideline the discussion into something else. When offered information he will deny it saying it is from a partisan source, or not even read it and go another way with it. His actions have taken awhile to explain and figure out, how can a man as smart as he is act in this manner. And the only answer that fits is he is a zealot. Someone, that which has such faith, and belief in their stance that they can never be wrong. Sinij is the lefts example of a bible thumper, of Greensboro Church. He has such disdain for others that he labels them. This way he can attack them whenever he wants, however he wants, because it feeds into the dogma that is his religion. Nancy and Ried are the high priest of his beliefs’, the doctrine comes nightly from left wing media. He sits at night not looking into how to better connect with others that disagree with him, but to launch new attacks against the enemies of his beliefs, and the enemy is anyone that is to the right of him. Sinij is a zealot, and as a zealot it is not hate that he is showing the GOP, Birthers, Tea Party, moderates, independents, it is contempt because they do not follow his religion and as such must be attacked to show them the error of their ways.
All of Sinijs post can be labeled as post by an Ideological Zealot. Thank you Sinij, for providing us a way to label you. This is not a personal attack, but simply a way to categorize and label you.