Nope, not a train. I am not feeling righteous or mighty. I however do admit to being a member of the Tea Party. I admit who I am and what I am. I stand up for what I think and what I believe. However I do leave the door open to others way, and accept them for who they are. I am willing and open to change. I also belong to a union. So does that make me a thug also? No, it means I believe in worker rights. It does not mean I support everything that they do.

Pretty harsh words describing something that you refuse to even to attend one event. I mean has the Tea Party ever had a sitting President invade another country? Or drop an atomic bomb? Or how about a Tea Party President getting blowjobs in the Oval office? Or how about as a sitting Tea Party President that taped his own conversations, or how about a Tea Party President gave 500 million tax payer dollars to a business that ends up failing? Nope, so therefore your scummiest assessment is not fact. But I do accept that is how you feel, and why you feel that way. Next pretentious? In what way? If a candidate that seeks the Tea Party endorsement loses then they lose, they don’t go before the Supreme Court to try and get it turned over. How is the Tea Party insincere, have they not said over and over that the core is fiscal conservatism, while being big enough to have others in their tent?

Not tried to sell you, but give you a different perspective, but since it is not in line with your religion you refused to even consider it. Yes all the black speakers they have, and all the women that seem to be the main organizers are just delusional because they are really against their self-interest?

Its ok tho Sinij, I understand now it is against your religion to be open minded about others. About how they think or act. That is why you are filled with such hate for anything to the right of you. I understand you now, and able to accept that your rants are the process to show how much you have faith in your religion.