The KGB Oracle
Posted By: RedKGB Sinij - 08/21/12 09:51 PM

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First off this post/thread is not a personal or real life attack, defamatory, abusive, hateful, harassing, or threatening. It is a means to label some one nothing more. If the person here in feels that he has been harressed by simply having a label placed upon him, it was never intended as such.

After several days of thought, and researching portions of Sinij postings. I have come to the conclusion that Sinij is an ideological zealot. He believes so strongly that anyone from the right of him is wrong, that he will label them, so he can dismiss them. He seeks not to find middle ground but to enforce his concepts onto everyone else. When he is refuted he either attempts to sideline the discussion into something else. When offered information he will deny it saying it is from a partisan source, or not even read it and go another way with it. His actions have taken awhile to explain and figure out, how can a man as smart as he is act in this manner. And the only answer that fits is he is a zealot. Someone, that which has such faith, and belief in their stance that they can never be wrong. Sinij is the lefts example of a bible thumper, of Greensboro Church. He has such disdain for others that he labels them. This way he can attack them whenever he wants, however he wants, because it feeds into the dogma that is his religion. Nancy and Ried are the high priest of his beliefs’, the doctrine comes nightly from left wing media. He sits at night not looking into how to better connect with others that disagree with him, but to launch new attacks against the enemies of his beliefs, and the enemy is anyone that is to the right of him. Sinij is a zealot, and as a zealot it is not hate that he is showing the GOP, Birthers, Tea Party, moderates, independents, it is contempt because they do not follow his religion and as such must be attacked to show them the error of their ways.
All of Sinijs post can be labeled as post by an Ideological Zealot. Thank you Sinij, for providing us a way to label you. This is not a personal attack, but simply a way to categorize and label you.
Posted By: Derid Re: Sinij - 08/21/12 09:54 PM

Red I <3 you , but I honestly do not think there was a need for this.

Political forums are boring if there isnt anyone to argue with. Noone but a zealot or someone who genuinely likes to argue is going to hang out on a political forum =)
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/21/12 10:10 PM
I dont disagree, but for the life of me I could not figure Sinij out, and this is the only one that fits. Now that I have an idea of his stance I know how to apporach his post and the logic behind his thinking. It is not to dimiss his post, but rather give a better understanding of him in written words. To me this opens up more debate becouse I have some one to throw ideas at. I somethimes agree with Sinij, and there are times we disagree. He is the perfect person to hold discussions with as long as you understand where he is coming from.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/21/12 11:37 PM
It is nice to see a good old political flaming :)


Any posts after this will be responded in kind. Have a good day. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/21/12 11:48 PM
Originally Posted By: sinij
It is nice to see a good old political flaming :)


Any posts after this will be responded in kind. Have a good day. I hope you enjoy your stay.

No political flaming involed. What train is that? The one where you can label people but no one can label you? Really? Respond as you see fit, and they will be treated as your stance has showen over and over again. Nothing wrong with it, but now I understand where your post are coming from. And I hope you have a wonderful day/night. \o/
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 12:31 AM
No, the train where you seems to get off on feeling righteous and mighty about belonging to the scummiest and most pretentious and insencere political organization in the US - Tea Party. You have tried so hard to sell to me how they are not bigots, how they are not sexists when politicians supported, associated and endorsed by tea party drop all kinds of sexist, bigoted and outright ignorant messages. If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...

Bunch of hatemongers that think they can avoid getting called on their shenanigans by refusing to define themselves.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 12:59 AM
Nope, not a train. I am not feeling righteous or mighty. I however do admit to being a member of the Tea Party. I admit who I am and what I am. I stand up for what I think and what I believe. However I do leave the door open to others way, and accept them for who they are. I am willing and open to change. I also belong to a union. So does that make me a thug also? No, it means I believe in worker rights. It does not mean I support everything that they do.

Pretty harsh words describing something that you refuse to even to attend one event. I mean has the Tea Party ever had a sitting President invade another country? Or drop an atomic bomb? Or how about a Tea Party President getting blowjobs in the Oval office? Or how about as a sitting Tea Party President that taped his own conversations, or how about a Tea Party President gave 500 million tax payer dollars to a business that ends up failing? Nope, so therefore your scummiest assessment is not fact. But I do accept that is how you feel, and why you feel that way. Next pretentious? In what way? If a candidate that seeks the Tea Party endorsement loses then they lose, they don’t go before the Supreme Court to try and get it turned over. How is the Tea Party insincere, have they not said over and over that the core is fiscal conservatism, while being big enough to have others in their tent?

Not tried to sell you, but give you a different perspective, but since it is not in line with your religion you refused to even consider it. Yes all the black speakers they have, and all the women that seem to be the main organizers are just delusional because they are really against their self-interest?

Its ok tho Sinij, I understand now it is against your religion to be open minded about others. About how they think or act. That is why you are filled with such hate for anything to the right of you. I understand you now, and able to accept that your rants are the process to show how much you have faith in your religion.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 01:25 AM
Originally Posted By: RedKGB
However I do leave the door open to others way, and accept them for who they are.

For as long as they are white and male, right? Forget it, you will never convince anyone that Tea Party is inclusive, fiscal-conservative movement that does not focus on social issues. There are just too many examples contrary. Get back to me when Tea Party endorses women's reproductive rights and equal rights for sexual minorities.

Pretty harsh words describing something that you refuse to even to attend one event. I mean has the Tea Party ever had a sitting President invade another country? Or drop an atomic bomb? Or how about a Tea Party President getting blowjobs in the Oval office? Or how about as a sitting Tea Party President that taped his own conversations, or how about a Tea Party President gave 500 million tax payer dollars to a business that ends up failing? Nope, so therefore your scummiest assessment is not fact.

Tea Party is GOP astroturfing front. I see you are all too eager to distance yourself from GOP history, but when TP and GOP are thick as thieves you don't really get to. Differentiate yourself from GOP in some way (aside from consistently nominating candidates that are considered RIGHT of already ultra-RIGHT GOP).

Even if you ignore all this very obvious problems and discuss 'front' ideas like small government - it is all unrealizable BS. You are as likely to build communism as achieve open-market small government society that is also not an oligarchy.

Wait, it gets better.

So you can't verbalize your ideas. You don't know what you believe in well enough to defend it. Every time you try to, people disagree with you and show you where you went wrong. So instead of refining your ideas you got a bright idea, how about we go for a good old SMEAR ATTACK! Forget your ideas, if you can smear enough you don't have to be right! So you decided to drag the argument into the gutter of various appeals to false consensus and all kinds of other logical fallacies that would make Ryan proud.

My suggestion - move on while you still have some dignity left. You are not going to win this fight, intellectually or in the gutter.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 01:30 AM
Just wanted to add, I still love you Red.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 01:42 AM
Sorry Sinij, I dont care about color or sex. You might but not I. And all you are doing is attacking, and that is hurting you more then I. For I know myself better then you know me.

And once again all you do is attack the Tea Party. I understand you need to. You attack me personally, but that fails in the end cause you are grasping at straws, and there are no straws for you to.

You see, if you did attend events you would see democrates speaking also. But that does not fit the mold you force the Tea Party into. So you attack attack attack, and try to take it away from the issue this thread is about, and that is you Sinij. This thread is about you. Yes you can include the Tea Party all you want, but you are only deflecting your hate onto them. And that is ok, because I understand you feel you need to. The doctrine of your religion can not rest till you attack everything to the right of you. I know you love labels and that you being label goes against your religion, but that is how it is, you are a zealot, and as a zealot I understand your point of view. I understand your stance. I understand the anger you feel. It makes sense.

Bash if me it makes you feel better, bash the Tea Party if you need to also. Bash the GOP, bash birthers, bash everyone that is right of you. In the end 100 million Americans must be wrong, and you must be right.

This is not a fight Sinij, I have no hate coming from me to you. You have been labeled as you have labeled.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 01:44 AM
I love you Sinij, more then you can know. I truely respect you, and value your thoughts.
Posted By: Prism Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 04:22 AM
Originally Posted By: RedKGB
President gave 500 million tax payer dollars to a business that ends up failing?

Oh Yeah and KGB was there to see it first hand.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 04:59 AM
Originally Posted By: Prism
Originally Posted By: RedKGB
President gave 500 million tax payer dollars to a business that ends up failing?

Oh Yeah and KGB was there to see it first hand.

Wow, did not know that. Ty
Posted By: Derid Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 10:46 AM
{popcorn} {popcorn}
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 01:37 PM
Originally Posted By: RedKGB
And once again all you do is attack the Tea Party. I understand you need to.

This is where you went wrong. I do not attack Tea Party, I disagree with everything this group stands for. I disagree with Tea Party's social agenda, deny it all you want but it is there for everyone to see. Just because you are not a sexist or bigot (thank God for that) does not mean that Tea Party overall is not a bigoted and sexist organization. As to "need to", yes I need to disagree and oppose what I see as a wrong direction for our country. I do not want to see progressive movement set back 60 years. I speak out not of some "hate" or "zealotry" you are so eager to label me with but out of moral imperative to oppose something that I see as corrupt and morally wrong.

You attack me personally, but that fails in the end cause you are grasping at straws, and there are no straws for you to.

You have no leg to stand on with your labeling shenanigans. You came into civil discussion, attempted to participate and then got confused when I did not immideately proceed to agree with you on all points. Sorry, this isn't Tea Party rally and you will not get much agreement out of me when you only parrot talking points. You will get questioned, so sooner you start dealing with it, sooner we can get past you making fool out of yourself with trying to hold here Kangaroo Court over me.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 02:21 PM
Q: What is a moderate Republican in 2012?
A: A moderate Republican in 2012 is one that lost primary challenge to anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti-tax compromise obstructionist Tea Party candidate.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 02:28 PM
Once again you run back to the Tea Party. Once again you deflect from the purpose of this thread. This thread is about you Sinij, nothing more. I know you want it to be more. You strive to make it more. But in the end, you do nothing but highlight yourself and the venom you have. From your religions point of view, it is the only one that can move forward, it is the only one that can protect monitory’s, it is the only one that is against the white man while everyone else to the right of you is for only the white man. I understand you must take that stance. I understand you must come running with every fiber of your body.

You do not attempt to label me. In one post you call me a sexist and a bigot, in the next you say I am not. You switch back and forth whenever it is easiest for you. My message has been the same thru out this thread and other threads.

You accuse the Tea Party of being sexist, and bigotry, while some in the part may and very could be this way, if the party overall was this way, where are the class action lawsuits?

You throw mud at others ideals; you attack anything to the right of you. I understand you better now, and I do accept you for who you are and your actions.

I welcome being labeled, I welcome people to know who I am and where I come from, why I hold the stance that I have. I however have the ability to change for what I think will be the greater good for America. I am willing to swallow my pride. Some times that is to the left, and other times to the right.

But enough about me, and the Tea Party, and everyone else. This thread is about you.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 02:31 PM
Originally Posted By: sinij
Q: What is a moderate Republican in 2012?
A: A moderate Republican in 2012 is one that lost primary challenge to anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti-tax compromise obstructionist Tea Party candidate.

Once again Sinij you run from the purpose of this thread, and this thread is about you. I love you so much I even titled this thread after your name.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 02:43 PM
Originally Posted By: RedKGB
Once again you run back to the Tea Party. Once again you deflect from the purpose of this thread. This thread is about you Sinij, nothing more. I know you want it to be more. You strive to make it more. But in the end, you do nothing but highlight yourself and the venom you have. From your religions point of view...

Do I even want to ask what is wrong with you? Feel free to continue stalking me, and do post pictures of a Sinij Shrine when you finish building it.

In a very likely case you don't have internal feedback process working, you went from being upset about being wrong, to mildly annoying personal attack, to completely disconnected from reality and unable to hold coherent conversation. In other words - a shoe-in for Tea Party leadership position.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 02:54 PM
Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: RedKGB
Once again you run back to the Tea Party. Once again you deflect from the purpose of this thread. This thread is about you Sinij, nothing more. I know you want it to be more. You strive to make it more. But in the end, you do nothing but highlight yourself and the venom you have. From your religions point of view...

Do I even want to ask what is wrong with you? Feel free to continue stalking me, and do post pictures of a Sinij Shrine when you finish building it.

In a very likely case you don't have internal feedback process working, you went from being upset about being wrong, to mildly annoying personal attack, to completely disconnected from reality and unable to hold coherent conversation. In other words - a shoe-in for Tea Party leadership position.

It is called aceppting you for who you are and where you come from. Once I figured it out, the ability to aceppt you and love you was very easy. I hold at arms length those I do not understand, for those that I do understnad, I embrace.

Thank you for you being who you are. Your religion defines you, please attack me more, I know you must cause your zealotry leads that way.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 03:15 PM
Red, do you ever get tired of building and attacking straw men?
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 03:26 PM
Not building you, and not attacking you. I am shareing the label that best describes you, and your apporach. But this thread is not about me, it is about you.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 04:01 PM
How can you know what defines others when you don't know what defines you? Trying to keep conversation civil in other threads I did not pick on your ideas of compromise and finding middle ground, but I think this is good place to talk about it. I personally find your idealized view of Tea Party, especially distorted in such "we just want everyone to get along" way, to be amusing. So who is exactly you are trying to get along with and on what terms?
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 04:09 PM
Are you talking about what defines me as a person or the Tea Party. There is a line that seprates the two.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 06:07 PM
This being political message board, I assumed I wouldn't have to specify that I am talking about your political convictions.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 06:27 PM
This is also an "anything goes" board, and wanting to make things clarified.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 07:03 PM
I don't think "anything goes" stretches quite that far. At least not in my mind.

With that said, kindly answer the question.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 07:36 PM
I never said the Tea Party was trying to comprimse nor find middle ground. I however have said that I do look to find things we can agree on and move foward from there.

However since this thread is about you, and not I nor the Tea Party. What areas do you feel you can comprimse on and reach to find a middle ground?
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 08:41 PM
Originally Posted By: sinij
How can you know what defines others when you don't know what defines you? Trying to keep conversation civil in other threads I did not pick on your ideas of compromise and finding middle ground, but I think this is good place to talk about it. I personally find your idealized view of Tea Party, especially distorted in such "we just want everyone to get along" way, to be amusing. So who is exactly you are trying to get along with and on what terms?

Answer the question.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/22/12 09:19 PM
Originally Posted By: RedKGB
I never said the Tea Party was trying to comprimse nor find middle ground. I however have said that I do look to find things we can agree on and move foward from there.

I did cause you were asking about my idealized view of the Tea Party and who they were willing to comprimise with and reach middle ground. I even asked if you meant me personally or the politcaily. You said since this is a political forums then it was that side.

Since I have now anwsered your question. I have asked what peronsally would you be willing to comprimise on and reach middle ground on. Answer the question since this thread is about you, not I, nor the Tea Party.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/24/12 11:52 AM
Originally Posted By: RedKGB
What areas do you feel you can comprimse on and reach to find a middle ground?

So, answer the question.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/24/12 10:10 PM
Here is my non-answer, just like you replied with non-answer in #103556.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/24/12 10:17 PM
You want me to tell you where I'd compromise, but how can I answer this question when you won't even define your views so I could know WHAT I am compromising toward? Typical conservative goalpost moving.


"I do look to find things we can agree on and move foward from there."
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/24/12 11:12 PM
No Sinij, I verifed that you wanted what my ideantified Policaiat Party would do. I asked specially knowing you would use every excuse to get out of having a real answer. Your zealotry will not let you comprimise even on a personal level. You did not ask for a personal level, but I did. Your desire to hate, to run from answers, to paint anyone to the right of you is the mandate of your religion. You can not and will not even answer a simple question, directed to you and only you.

You might now like my answer on what the Tea Party will comprimise on, but that is ok. I knew when I asked you the question you would never answer it. You dont want to get backed into a corner where you would be forced to admit you are wrong. But it is ok Sinij, your religion is understood now. And anything you say or do will be from that view point.

Its ok Sinij, your hate towards others will burn you up one day. I hope after that you learn to accept people with different ideals, and not hate everyone to the right of you.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/24/12 11:44 PM

So are you going to answer the question or keep attacking the strawman?
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/24/12 11:47 PM
Substitute "zealotry" and you got Red posting in this thread.

Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/25/12 03:13 AM
Originally Posted By: sinij

So are you going to answer the question or keep attacking the strawman?

I answered your question zealot, now answer mine. Or do you think your to high and mighty to answer direct questions? Come Sinij, we all know how you really feel, just come out and admit it. Your religion does allow you tobe selfrightous, allows you to think you know better then everyone else. Your doctrine everynight tells you its ok to hate, so you do. But since I know now that you are a zealot, that you will never find fault with your own ideals, that you have reached the prefection of all ideals. You find fault with others forcing their social issues, but your social issues are better, that everyone would do better if they only listened to you. Call me names, deflect and run from answering, attack parties to the right of you. I know you do it cause you have no choice, your ideals force this upon you. I still love you and forgive you for the hate that you have for everyone to the right of you. I will be here when you find you can finally answer with out hate, pretense, and accept others to the right of you.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/25/12 03:28 PM
Manufacturing indignation over imaginary insults (quote where I "called me names"), manufacturing false consensus ( "we all know how you really feel" ) and demonizing ( "zealot, high and mighty" ) is by-the-book Tea Party operation.

Any wonder why they are so disconnected from the reality? 4 pages now of RedKGB droning on his empty smears and me patiently tolerating it should show anyone who is true zealot here.

@Red - doctor, heal thyself.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/25/12 08:13 PM
No, Sinij, you have been labeled as you have labeled. You run from true questions, and dodge and deflect. But it is ok, I know where you are coming from, and will have the due dilaigance of paintice to wait. I wish I knew where this Tea Party book is at Sinij, I would very much like to read it. Wait, there is no book, you just made it up? Well Sinij, I will still wait for you to come to terms with your hate for others that are to the right of you.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/25/12 09:06 PM
Red, stop embarrassing yourself. Let it go, your labeling idea wasn't that good to start with, but now your just channeling dyslexia.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/25/12 10:34 PM
No Sinij, I have hit upon what drives you, what makes you who you are. There is nothing wrong with being a zealot. Be proud of who you are and the hate you throw at others. Even now you cant stop with it. Its ok, I love you for who you are, and I will be here when you get over this hate you have for anyone to the right of you.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/25/12 11:21 PM
I am starting to think you are a chat bot, your post are so repetitive and disconnected from a conversation that I have hard time telling them apart.

Are you trying to bore me to death? Well, you almost succeeded.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/25/12 11:28 PM
And yet Sinij you bring more deflection to the table. You would rather talk about me. Its ok Sinij, I know you in time will come to accept that you are a zealot, and then your process of hate to all of those to the right of will start to ease. I will be here, I will forgive you all long the way.
Posted By: Sini Re: Sinij - 08/25/12 11:31 PM
You are failing Turing test.
Posted By: RedKGB Re: Sinij - 08/26/12 01:04 AM
And you still insiste talking about me. Your hate will ease, your hate will ease in time.
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