Originally Posted By: Helemoto
The inability for one group of people to run a faction has nothing with what is happening now.
You are talking about something you dont even play.

Node wars requires a massive amount of people in one guild or as we have several smaller guilds working together.

Some people are not good with working together and needed to quit the game.

No hard feelings we are having a great time.

Whoa whoa whoa.. Inability to run the faction? First of all, we didn't even have a faction to run. We had the officers who tried to organize xp groups, get people gear etc. and then we had almost everyone else who were in the game, but didn't actually want to play. Just about every day I would ask (multiple times) for people to group up and I'd get 1 maybe 2 responses. The group always ended up being the same with only the officers in it. We tried to get the faction going, but we had almost zero effort from our members. It didn't feel like a guild to me.