Originally Posted By: Helemoto
Originally Posted By: Goriom
Yes if the faction is closed then everyone must fall under the flag of KGB.

Luckily for everyone involved, the faction was never closed.

When the first set of officers (including me) attempted to get the faction closed we were told we would have to wait for a set amount of time, we were also told we had to reach an active membership quota. The time constraint was met but we never had the membership to get the guild off the ground. Not only that, the hardcore aspect of the guild, which was the officer core, got fed up with the lack of activity among its member and all left. This to me was the final nail in the coffin, that is when we should have called it.

Your leaving didn't end the game for the rest of us involved in the game. Your ability to rush to 55 and expect everyone rush to the same level is ridiculousness. As a KGB officer even in an open faction you should have a better attitude and know that all people can't be "hardcore". If that is how you want to run then you shouldn't run a faction in KGB.

As for the person that left the guild because of the "drama" is just an excuse for someone that didn't want to be in KGB or doesn't understand what KGB is. If this minor "drama" is a reason for someone to leave then I for one say good riddance.

The drama was far from minor...