Originally Posted By: Morlander

i thought they made blood walls ect not usefull anymore in df1 by removing exp gains from hitting the same player over and over or something its been years tho i could be imagining it

What they did was make experience gains 6X more on mobs. But the really is you can beat on somebody in safety more in the same period of time than constantly re-gearing trying to level on mobs. But blood walls did die when they increased gains on mobs. What really stopped it was everybody got maxed, than your finger speed/aim is the only thing that matters (both of which I suck at).

I personalty would rather macro than put in more hours than I have to give farming mobs. Grinding has been with us since the first mmo... I grinded several 7X in pac... maybe one ore two before I ever used a macro or razor, any thing like that.