Arkh I am worried about this going back to an afk macroer grind game. If it is I won't be playing past launch.

But right now the login issues are fixed and everyone can get in the game. Right now they are having desync issues that get progressively worse the longer the server is up, memory leak maybe? Once they get that nailed down and really fix the persistence issue with people's inventory and personal bank we can start to test the systems.

There will be multiple wipes so don't get too attached to anything. We are using the clan banks to offset the personal bank issue but inventories lost on crashes can be frustrating, don't carry stuff you don't have to drop it in the clan bank.

We had some great fights right after the last wipe with a 4 vs 7 at a chaos bank where they hit us the moment Mor was trying to form the clan. We actually beat them as a couple hours old nubs.