Originally Posted By: JetStar
Oh a couple more:

Obama prevented a second Great Depression, saved GM, and has helped create 4.5 million private sector jobs
Obama has strengthened our alliances abroad with key allies and hasn't gotten us into any new wars
Obama appointed Sonia Sotomayor and Elana Kagan to the Supreme Court
Obama signed the Fair Pay Act to combat workplace discrimination against women
Obama is pro-choice; Romney wants to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood
ObamaCare ends higher insurance rates for women; ensures that birth control is covered
ObamaCare made sure Medicare is fully funded for eight additional years
Romney believes people on fixed incomes who pay no federal income tax are moochers with no ambition
Ryan supported efforts to privatize Social Security
Obama would make college more affordable; Romney will increase student debt
Obama ended Don't Ask Don't Tell; supports gay marriage
Obama has decimated Al Qaeda, killed Bin Laden, brought troops home from Iraq
ObamaCare lets you stay on your parents' health care until you are 26

You can say he prevented one all day but it wont change the fact that it is an unkown and can never be proven.
Obama supported the bombing in Libya, and while doing nothing has let thousands die in Syria.
Obama choice of Sonia Sotomayor, who has had every dessicion over turned by the SC, and rather uses feelings then the law when deciding cases.
Every place I have every worked, women have been paid the same as men or better, all his law did was add fluff to his resume.
Obama will allow his own flesh and blood be killed.
Obama has raised insurance preiums across the board, and he own words "What, you dindt think it was going to be free did you?"
Obama has traded short term medicare fiscal coverage for a longer term of reduced benefits and coverage.
Obama thinks we need everyone to have a degree to sweep up the trash and clean toilets.
congress ended dont ask and dont tell. and Obama picks and chooses what laws to follow.
Al Qaeda was behind the libya diplomat killing, and other terriosts activites, they are still around and funtioning. when you cut off the head anthoer one grows back.
If I could do what was needed to get healthcare at 18 then a 26 yearold is a lazy motherfucker.