There is no BS to call. The term means what it means.

When he is referring to additional central planning/control he is referring to "price fixing" in regards to interest rates. the Fed is not current setting a policy to "promote moderate" interest rates - it is artificially flooring interest rates in an extreme manner. By setting the price of money in this fashion, he is equating it to a type of price control - which is technically accurate. He says that initiating such price controls is an aspect of central planning and the Fed is thereby increasing the amount of exercised central control over our economy , which is also technically accurate. Interest rates are now more the result of a centrally planned action by far than they were say 10 years ago, ergo the amount of central planning in our economy has increased.

You yourself said earlier in this thread (which is what prompted me to enter it in the first place) that the true credit rating was interest rates. Thus you surely see the magnitude of the distortion being created, even by your own evaluations.

Whether you think the action taken by the Fed is correct or not, both Dr Pauls and my own description of what it happening and the terminology used are accurate.

Others on "the right" as you put it, may or may not have misused the terms in the past. In fact I will say it almost certainly has been misused at various points by various people. Nonetheless, the terms mean what they mean and the Fed is doing what it is doing.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)