Nothing wrong with guns in general. Not a single gun in history has ever jumped up and shot someone by itself. I have a safe full of guns ( some of which give the anti-gun types nightmares ) and none of them are a danger to anyone as long as they play by the laws and rules.

Not being able to own a firearm is far more dangerous than owning several. A firearm is a means to level the playing field against a ( faster, more powerful, multiple ) opponent. It is a device that negates the aforementioned variables completely. A half dozen idiots armed with bats and clubs are no match for a single person who is carrying a firearm and knows how to use it correctly.

I don't leave the house without some sort of firearm. On me, in the car, whatever.

If you have kids, it's your responsibility as a PARENT to teach them what it is and how to use / handle it correctly, or keep it out of their reach. ( In a safe or the like ) Anything less reflects poor parenting skills. The fact that the majority of parents are as useless as they are lazy is evident in the number of them that want the Government to " do something " about guns. Maybe we should really have a license to have children instead. You know, attend some training on how to actually raise a kiddo and quit expecting the rest of the world to do it for you. :|

Last edited by Daye; 10/14/11 02:25 PM.