Laminin wiki it.

Here is the definition

Laminins are trimeric proteins that contain an α-chain, a β-chain, and a γ-chain, found in five, four, and three genetic variants, respectively. The laminin molecules are named according to their chain composition. Thus, laminin-511 contains α5, β1, and γ1 chains.[2] Fourteen other chain combinations have been identified in vivo. The trimeric proteins intersect to form a cross-like structure that can bind to other cell membrane and extracellular matrix molecules.[3] The three shorter arms are particularly good at binding to other laminin molecules, which allows them to form sheets. The long arm is capable of binding to cells, which helps anchor organized tissue cells to the membrane.

That is what holds your body together now look at what shape it is.

Colossians 1:16–17

16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.

17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

If you dont believe then i challenge you? what are you missing out on in becoming a believer. Weigh your options here.

Ask yourself what have i gained here on this earth i will be able to take with me after i die. Nothing u keep nothing no matter who you are what u believe in it is all material. Your house,car,cloths,COMPUTER,job nothing u get to keep nothing.

Ok now flip the switch here. What if you are a believer. You get to spend eternity with God and not only that he promises to anyone that believes in his son jesus christ as there saviour u get a mansion, streets of clear gold, pearl gates, and get to spend eternity there.

God lets things happen to people to test there loyalty. Look at Job he lost his riches family he lost it all but still served god and got back triple of what he lost.

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