Originally Posted By: Derid

I dispute #2 , but will say there are also other factors.

Are you familiar with time preference concept? Have you read any of the Intelligence-Poverty studies? What about studies demonstrating high degree of intelligence heritability? Do you understand the concept of human biodiversity?

Often times poverty is self inflicted.

I don't think anyone chooses poverty, so please define self-inflicted in your statement.

Too many people want to make it a black and white issue, which precludes doing the real work of actually figuring out how to deal with it in reality as opposed to dealing with it in campaign slogans.

Agree. I think there is too much focus on Why/How and not enough on Who.

Big question that puzzles me is, by advocating for robust social safety net system (because it is humane thing to do), do I also advocate for propagating deleterious alleles within human population?

Pardon for awkward language, I am sure you will be able to understand what I mean.

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