Originally Posted By: Sini
First round was 5% cut, they are haggling by how much cut during budget negotiations, so there are more cuts of X% coming down the pipeline.

You "it just a little bit" argument is invalid. It is a cut. It has nothing to do with balancing budget, and just like with attempts to shut down PBS is purely ideologically driven.

This is throwing impoverished people, like a disabled veteran and lonely grandmother, under the bus to score political points with the base.

For some reason people on the right believe that "living off the dole" is a cushy life and if we made it harder all these people would find jobs and become productive members of society (instead of having existential motivation to turn to crime). This is charitable interpretation. Uncharitable interpretation would be "scree these niggers in the projects", because that is big chunk of food stamp recipients.

So chose - racism or ignorance.

Once again you show your ignorance and you seem to like to throw around racist words unprovoked.

No were did I say "it just a little bit". That is your progressive agenda coming out to keep telling lies over and over
until someone as ignorant as you will believe it.
I understand simple math seems to be a concept leftys do not
seem to understand, or any kind of math for that matter.

Please show the other cuts coming down the pipeline.
The article said it was budgeted for a certain amount
of time just like the tax cuts from Bush. They were not
to be permanent.
But it was a good move on the progressives so now they can blame budget cuts on the republicans.
Typical politics which the left is so much better at then the right.

You are correct the non-ignorant types want to get people
"living off the dole" off the dole to improve their life.
They do not want them dependent of the government so they
can get votes for their side.

So I chose for you both racist and ignorance, as you have shown
to be both.