Originally Posted By: Sini
My argument still is:

1. War on drugs is costly and pointless (we agree here)
2. Poverty isn't self-inflicted condition and escaping it isn't the question of "hard work".
3. Elevated levels of poverty is linked to increased crime levels
4. Reducing poverty via social programs is a cost-effective way to reduce crime
5. #4 is not linear relationship and does hit diminishing returns, it is possible to have overly-generous social system that no longer cost-effective at reducing crime
6. #5 US is nowhere near that point. Perhaps Sweden is.


Points I will grant you:

Re: #4 Cost of social programs has negative impact on overall productivity...

...but so does crime. Frictionless society is not possible.

#2. I have told you this before, I have seen this first hand growing up. People(not all but some) stay on welfare because it is easier then working. I was told by one woman it is easier to have another kid and get more money then get a job. I tell you this from experience and yet you say it isn't a self inflicted condition. BTW after she was to old to have kids and the welfare checks stopped coming she didn't have a hard time finding a job.
On the other side I watched a woman with one kid get help through the welfare system with housing and training and became a nurse. She WORKED HARD to get out of poverty.
Your continuing refusal to believe that hard work cannot get you out of poverty once again you show your ignorance.