I can, because he supports my values.

-Ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) in our military
-Stopped defending DOMA in court.
-Passed the Hate Crimes bill.
-Appointed two pro-choice women to the Supreme Court.
-Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can't afford it.
-Expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
-Fixed the preexisting conditions travesty [and rescissions] in health insurance.
-Invested in clean energy.
-Overhauled the credit card industry, making it much more consumer-friendly. (While Dodd-Frank bill was weak in many respects, it was still an extremely worthwhile start at re-regulating the financial sector.)
-He created a Elizabeth Warren's dream agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. (SHE WON TOO, HURAHH!)
-He got help for people whose health was injured during the clean-up after the 9/11 attacks.
Just to name a few.

These are my values, and obviously a majority of the countries.

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from oracle.the-kgb.com]
Star Citizen Hanger:
RSI Javelin Destroyer, Hull E, RSI Constellation Pheonix, Aegis Dynamics Retaliator, Banu Merchantman
F7A Military Hornet Upgrade, F7C-S Hornet Ghost, F7C-R Hornet Tracker, Origin 325a Fighter