More on this - The Atlantic writes...

I find myself coming face to face with on a regular basis in my very red state, but which seems to often be overlooked in political discussions: to wit, that is is now possible for a person to never hear an opposing point of view. A person can go from watching Fox News, to listening to talk radio, to reading conservative blogs, and get the same message every time. The effect of this is that at least on the right the tail now wags the dog of the Republican party. Growing Republican extremism is probably not the Fox News business plan, but it is the inevitable effect of having parts of the country where 60 and 70 percent of households use a single, politically biased news source as their only source for outside information.

The result is pretty unpleasant to witness. I love my adopted Commonwealth of Kentucky, but it is impossible to have a political conversation here. Every conversation I have risks a descent into Republican talking point hell. When I try to refute those points with facts, it falls on deaf ears.

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