Interesting point made about GOP la-la land election predictions.

'How Can That Be?' More on the 'They Can't Both Be Right' Saga

There is an additional, more pernicious aspect to the Fox News-Crossroads-GOP fostering of a Romney-is-winning narrative: de-legitimizing an Obama win. Time and again, the right's narrative toward Obama (and earlier, toward Clinton) has been that his very presidency is illegitimate. (He's not American, he's Kenyan; the unemployment numbers aren't real, they're cooked; Obamacare isn't Romneycare, it's Soviet communism; and on and on.)

It is clear that should Obama win in a couple of weeks, the right will need to portray that not as the American people choosing the other guy and his priorities/worldview, but as something fishy, possibly corrupt, and certainly illegitimate. That job will be all the easier if a foundation has been built in the political narrative that Romney was winning all along.

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