Why is wealth inequality such a big deal? So what if 60 million americans own most of the wealth? 3 million of them pay 40% of the taxes. The lower two and a half quinitiles not only pay no federal taxes, but also receive some sort pf welfare payment!
So this massive transfer of wealth is pissed away year after year. The people who have wealth or are capable of earning it support themselves and half the country.

This class warfare baiting is so cliched its tiresome. There is no way to even out wealth. There will always be inequality. Anyone put in charge of redistribution of wealth will help themselves and their friends to it. Dont marxists ever tire of the same drivel? it seems that people who care about wealth inequality are basically begging. they dont want to work withinthe system to improve their lit but would rather someone take it from a rich guy and hand it over.

next topic please

KGB Darkfall