Lord Darka, I call BS on you. Perfect example. One time there were some enemies in the dungeon with a clan box blocking access to the portal room. There were a number of us on the other side. Grenades were on the way to take down the clan box so that we could go into the room and take out the enemy. You showed up and and instead of waiting on the grenades, you used an exploit of using your mount to be able to go to the other side of the clan box without everyone else. I think you wound up jumping out of the portal because YOU decided to lead the charge by yourself instead of as a group. It was not the only time you decided to be Rambo and take on everyone by yourself and I doubt it will be the last. So maybe today people were just taking your example as how things should be done.

I wasn't in town this morning, but you were going off on people and when you cried for help and people were asking where you were, silence filled Vent because you can't seem to talk in Vent and fight at the same time. When you finally came back into Vent, you were bitching again. Before that you were calling people 'fucktards'. I could be wrong about the term you used, but I'm sure Krullz could correct me if I am wrong because he told you to come to the Oracle and look at the guidelines that we play by, particularly General Order 1. Either way, you were very derogatory to people in Vent. It wasn't until I called you an asshole that you decided to shut up. This isn't the first incident either. Ever since you were promoted to an officer, you've been derogatory to clan members when things don't go your way. I was glad to see you promoted back then, but I think it was a mistake now.

Last edited by Squared; 06/09/10 12:04 PM.