
I don't know how Derid plans to run the show there, but maybe the best thing would be to have everyone compete for a limited number of slots in KGB Darkfall, and if you don't have a fire in the belly, you don't wear a KGB tag.

Now that is a level of hard core we have not seen before, but I think that in many ways, we have gotten fat and lazy, and maybe that is what is needed to motivate people. The people who want it will work for it. If you won't work for it, stay home. We'll do it with just 12.

I agreed with everything you said until this. If KGB has no room for casual gamers I will leave. But I was under the impression that no matter what the game, I was now a welcome part of KGB. I am pumped for this game but I can never devote the time to it like I once gave UO. I have a family and they will always come first. I put this on my KGB application to be honest with you so that you know where I was coming from. If I have to compete for a slot then I tell you right now, fire in the belly or not I will lose and that sucks because I finally feel like I am a part of something great.

The fact of the matter is the game is not out yet, the beta has not started yet, so until it does and until we see the turnout and what kind of "fire" people will have, I think this is a little premature.

I for one am pumped that I finally have a guild that is well established, has a great history together and cares enough to write these kinds of posts and me honest with eachother. I love that about this group. But if I have to give up family time, or my RL responsibilities to be a part of something. I will have to ask to be removed because this is not what I thought it was.

On a side note - the great thing about no levels is no matter what our skill level is at we can always hunt together and work together. No waiting for someone your level to join because everyone else around you is 20 levels higher. This in itself screams what KGB is all about and what we can be, together. Maybe we have 12 players that are above the rest but I hope to have those 12 leading me into battle rather than seeing those 12 be singled out into their own group.

Last edited by McSquiggy; 11/07/08 07:36 AM.