I didn't elaborate enough on my last comment. I agree with you though Dunlop, all of your post was exactly my point. If Darkfall fails that doesn't mean its KGB's reason to close our doors and tell everyone who's been around the 11 yrs or less that we've been a guild to just see ya later. If Darkfall fails, its not going to be because of KGB it will be because of the Developer's just as AOC died for KGB because of the lack of effort on Funcoms part. Warhammer while its an official KGB faction, was never meant to be a great huge faction, because there wasn't any overall interest in KGB to play that game. Many who are playing are just doing it to pass time, and that is ok with me.

I think that after the AOC fiasco, both on funcom's part and all of the drama that had erupted out of that faction, took a huge toll on the federal leadership as a whole. There was many late night phone calls, stress dealing, pm'ing back and forth etc. It drained us all and makes you put a pair of shades on in future factions for fear of what has been. If Darkfall promises all that they have promised to the people, there is no reason that KGB will not thrive in Darkfall. KGB thrives in every game that they play, but in order to restore us to our old glory days we just have to get into the right game. I am sure that Derid is going to do an amazing job with Darkfall. He's been around a long time, he's fair and just and doesn't put up with bullshit no matter who you are. I do wholeheartedly agree that we need to focus on KGB as a whole and not the individual ideals of certain members and dance around and cater to them because of who they were once upon a time. We've learned that lesson in AOC and I do not foresee anything like that happening again.

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com]