I'm not prepared to start turning out the lights and shuttering up the windows, but while there is much to what Jet says, there are also varying degrees of success. I think too many of us think that if we don't instantaneously have force levels equal to or exceeding our high water marks in UO or ShadowBane, we have somehow failed. That kind of mentality sets us up in advance for failure. I'm getting ready to harsh the mellow right out of some people in here, so if you have a thin skin, you may want to move along. This may not be the post for you.

Still here?


There is a thread in the Darkfall forum here , To Big or not to Big, That is the question that talks about where our expectations should be for Darkfall.

In that thread, I have one main point: Before we can get big, we first need to demonstrate that we are good.

I don't care if we have huge numbers in Darkfall as long as those we have are committed.

Right now, here is a list of 12 KGB members who have been designated as primary participants for the Beta, along with a list of 36 alternates. I don't know if those lists still mean anything or not, and to be frank, I feel privileged to be in the company of those named. But if the only members who become active Darkfall are those others who appear in the primary list, should I feel embarrassed to stand amongst them in game, just we twelve?

Hell NO! Acting together, as one, twelve alone would be a force to be reckoned with that I will feel privileged fight with.

If you want a fight, I think you will find one in Darkfall. If you don't want a fight, craft. If you want neither to fight nor to craft, I don't know why you are here.

However many we have, 12 or 100, old or new, I hope everyone will come give their all. If you just plan to take a look, or poke it with a stick to see if it moves, continue playing XBox, Wii, free UO shards, or whatever it is you do to pass the time, but don't come to Darkfall. I don't know how Derid plans to run the show there, but maybe the best thing would be to have everyone compete for a limited number of slots in KGB Darkfall, and if you don't have a fire in the belly, you don't wear a KGB tag.

Now that is a level of hard core we have not seen before, but I think that in many ways, we have gotten fat and lazy, and maybe that is what is needed to motivate people. The people who want it will work for it. If you won't work for it, stay home. We'll do it with just 12.

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council