it's over if you as a individual say it is over. As a guild KGB has someone to take the spot Romeo could be hk I mean he has been here the longest and is the crown princess I mean prince. Jet already said he would be around to help but not having the responability as the high king. We aren't there yet but I personally believe in dark fall depending on the game we will dominate the field. It just depends on how as a whole we preform. As for pvp just remember it is a skill based game not level like we are a custom too so your uo players will most likely have the pvp down and skill gain. Then shadowbane players will have the town mechanics. So KGB has a huge base of players for both sides of the field it's putting it all together that is the hard part. I think of KGB in aoc as Dallas cowboys we have all this talent and couldn't get it together.

Former KGB Order of the Paladins
Former KGB Champion
Former General(G4)UO
Former General(G3)UO
Former General(G2)UO
Former General(G1)UO
Former Knight Captain in UO
Former Knight Commander in UO
Former Member of SB,Wow,Aoc
Founder Of Chop Choppers