I agree the government should be the populations resource and not vice versa. I don't think that any government today is a resource to it's population. Even a "Free Republic".. As I said before, a government will always do what is best for itself. Even if it's choices are not in the best interest in its population.

I would look at what the government does, as it's best interest that imediatly negatively effects the mass of it's population the least, being better then WW2 Germany.

Are we headed to fascism? Maybe... And alot of people would be fine with that sadly.

Thinking alternatly is all well and good, but the fact remains that even if those in power are changed, will the next person change anything back to a better time? Or will they continue on? Or worse yet, will the next person to seize power as you said, go from Islamic extreamists to the next target?

For all we know, like Lincolns time, we might be headed into another Civil War. Honestly, I think that's probaly the only thing that's going to change our governments current situation...

(PS- If you don't see me again after this post. Likely the FBI will have taken this computer aswell for my 'terroist' comments. )

Jacon Clay 3xGM mage voted as "The Worst Red Ever" "I'm okay at PvP... But what I lack in skill, I make up for in Luck" "I love Wisps!" ~ the day 4 wisps killed 3 SL blues chasing my red. The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?