I guess I didn't quite make my points clear, lack of sleep plays hell on my communication skills....

I agree that there is lack of due process, however I do not think that this is suddenly a new thing we're sprining into. I beleive there has always been and always will be a lack of deu process. Governments will only do what is best for the government.

You're also right, about some terrorist org isn't going to get their guns from a dicks store. Criminals will always find a way to get/have guns no matter how many checks and regulations the state and federal governments put on firearms.

And my relation to Bush and Lincoln is based on more then just a poor aproval rating. Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation is probaly a large part to what gave him the poor aproval rating. It also lead to the succession of large areas of the country and one of the bloodiest and highest loss of life wars the US has fought. In the end, it was all good though.
I look at it more along the lines as these recent Gov. blackballings as part of a way the government is going to do what's best for itself. Do I like it? No.

As far as I can tell, if you have no contact with known terrorists or make regular long distant calls to Pakistan you should be ok... We've got to do something or we'll sell them the rope to hang us with...

But I strongly agree with this statement. You have to look at 9/11. These groups are not afraid to take drastic measures or kill innocent people, just to try and prove a point or be heard. But they're a nameless and faceless group, which is what makes it so tricky as how a government is going to protect it's greatest resource, 'the population'.

And I'm sorry about being long winded....

Jacon Clay 3xGM mage voted as "The Worst Red Ever" "I'm okay at PvP... But what I lack in skill, I make up for in Luck" "I love Wisps!" ~ the day 4 wisps killed 3 SL blues chasing my red. The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?