" But I strongly agree with this statement. You have to look at 9/11. These groups are not afraid to take drastic measures or kill innocent people, just to try and prove a point or be heard. But they're a nameless and faceless group, which is what makes it so tricky as how a government is going to protect it's greatest resource, 'the population'."

The problem is, "mission creep" always always always happens. Today its islamicists, tommorow.... ? ? ? Theres always new uses for an existing legal tool. A govt, any govt will always find them.

I would say that the Govt should be the populations resource, not vice versa. In a facsist establishment, the populace is the Govts resource. In a Free Republic, the Govt
is the populaces resource.

The fact that the former way of thinking is becoming more prevalent, often without people even being cognizant of it, is what I am speaking out against. Remember, all fascism doesnt look like WW2 Germany. Just because brownshirts wont necesarrily be hauling awerage people off to detention camps tommorow doesnt mean that what we are experiencing as a society is healthy.