"Had this not come up I could see a terrorist killing 50 people in a mall and all of the talking heads on the 24 hour news cycle would be blamming Bush for allowing "suspected" terrorists to buy guns... Couldn't you just see that headline? "


So what.

The point is, it used to be that for the most part, for your rights to be restricted you had to be actually accused, charged and convicted of something. Or at least formally charged.

Now, your name just gets put on a list you cant get it off of easily, if at all. You really think Islamo terrorists are gonna buy their guns at a gun shop anyhow? Im gonna make a CRAZY assumption that international terrorist organizations can probably get weapons even if Dick's Sporting goods wont sell it to them.

The problem here is lack of due process. Lack fo due process is bad. Lack of due process ALWAYS leads to abuse.

Comparing Lincoln to Bush, is also just....... yeah. Seriously. C'mon. Comparing the situation of today with that period of time and situation also just...... yeah.

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Learning from history != comparing Emancipation Proclamation to allowing the Govt to blacklist people w/o trial or likely, viable recourse.