Like I have said before, it comes down to trust. Trust that the money would be applied towards the deficit, for example... and not simply dissapear into some random "emergency appropriations bill" , or invoked clause of a prior bill or etc.

Trust that govt wouldnt use the additional money to invade Syria or Iran. Trust that Bernanke would stop the dollar printing presses. Trust that the money is not just dissapearing into the void.

Trust that the govt, whether run by Dems or GOP wouldn't instantly shovel any new revenue to some new form of corporate welfare.

Whether we pay first or whether we cut first is sort of immaterial, the basic problem is trust. Both parties have shown over the prior decade that they absolutely cannot be trusted to show even a basic level of honesty, decency, or good sense. Something needs to happen to restore some level of trust, before many people are going to voluntarily open their wallets to govt - whether or not it is needed to address the fiscal issues. Because all many people hear when the govt says "we need more" is "we need to spend more" , regardless of what the pols say the money is for. Pols may say "its to reduce deficit" , but at this point - many of us just assume they are flat out lying,and no such thing will occur.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)