1. EU server was a practice run for NA server

2. Landrush with a clean server is hella fun

3. Perhaps clearer heads will prevail and transfers will be nerfed char

Also - everyone needs to get out of the grind mode for DFO. If we all insist on "powergaming or powerleveling" our char we are missing the journey that is DFO and on that "end game" content quest that makes us leave all of the other games out there today.

There is no end game there is no god mode there is a simple journey that none of us have experienced for a long time, harking back to our first experiences in UO or EQ or Meridian (whatever the hell that is Jet).

Drop the macros and pick up your weapon and go experience the game - or you will be back on the next WoW expansion wondering WTF am I doing here?

"I can't go fight in pvp in DFO because someone has higher skills than me" is ... I dunno you tell me.