Server transfers should be player wipes.

The only advantage to having a NA server without wiping the characters is the chance to have another land rush. That is a net loss for us. We didn't exploit to get our gold or resources, and I for one don't really want to build up another city.

Its kinda self defeating to allow characters who have had every advantage of skill exploiting, duping, and any other hack/exploit/cheat to increase there character skill or personal possessions on a new clean server.

Knowing how worthless and lack luster AV's ability to do anything right, they will probably just allow straight character transfers and the NA server will be mostly EU-1 clone with lower pings for NA players.

But hey, AV could pull its collective head out of its ass by then and have at least one or two major patch's before the new server comes out.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!